A group of 14 lesbians from Get The L Out marched at the front of the Europride parade in Vienna (15/06/2019). 4 lesbians later joined the initial group at the front.
There was a lesbian labrys flag and banners such as « Lesbian not queer », « Transactivism erases lesbians », « Lesbians don’t have penises », « Cotton ceiling = rape », « Transgenderism harms children », « Everyone knows Black lesbian (female homosexual) Stormé started Stonewall », « Lesbians and Feminists for open borders! Stop sexism, racism, and homophobia! » (in German). We displayed the QR code for the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights.
We chanted several slogans: « Lesbians, not queer, we exist », « Stop Lesbian Erasure », « Get the L out of Pride », « LGBT doesn’t speak for me », « Women are not your fetish », « Dykes not dicks ».
Credit to Miljana Ivanovic and Anonymous Sister for the pictures
Facts about the action:
-The biggest group of lesbians nationality-wise is Serbian. The rest of the group came from Austria, UK, France, Hungary, Sweden (and Italy, Spain, Germany in the Twitter team).
-5 of us are under 26 years old
-A male board member of EuroPride claims we were removed but, as the video confirms, we left on our own accord after about 30 minutes because our goals of lesbian visibility were achieved (and we were not booed by the crowd either).
We also handed out flyers: